Rapidme is a Rapidshare download manager and search engine for Windows. Rapidshare is rapidly (no pun intended) gaining popularity for those who download illegal TV shows and movies from the Internet (shame on you). Many people download those shows and upload them to Rapidshare, which is a file sharing service. For those who want to download, it is extremely hard to find all the parts a file is made up of (usually files are split because of Rapidshare's limitations). RapidMe allows the end-user to find all the parts in a single graphical user interface. Everything is there for you to find. So, instead of going to the website and downloading one at a time, you can download several files and queue them so that they all download and you waste as little time as possible. RapidMe also connects to Megaupload.com and sendfile.com, so the options are vast. The application is free and it has no malware or spyware. However, there is an annoying banner at the bottom of the application which can be easily clicked by mistake, resulting in a Firefox window popping up.